It’s a lucky mail day for me. I received my Knitspot swap package from Sally, and an order from the Wollmeise!

She was very generous! Those Werther’s chocolates are not long for this world.

The Wollmeise order was both a nice surprise and a bit of a disappointment. I love the skeins of Twin. My hope was for something nice and dark, and that’s what I got in the brown/black grab bag:

The top skein is a “guinea pig” colour, and is very dark brown and black. The bottom skein is Im Jahr der Ratte (Year of the Rat). It’s a blend of gray/brown and dark blue. The blue looks a lot darker in the photo than it is in real life.

I wasn’t as happy with the lace-garn grab bag (grab bags are purchased without the buyer knowing exactly what colours they will get).

This is Vamp, a tomato red that is just way too bright for me. I may commit Wollmeise heresy and overdye this to a purple or brown. Stay tuned…