December 2008

I’ve been dying to share this little quilt, but I couldn’t until now.  It was a gift for one of my fellow Quilters’ Workshop members, and I didn’t want to risk her seeing it on the blog before Wednesday’s gift exchange.


This was way outside my comfort zone!  I’m a pink-and-girly fabric kinda quilter, and brown just isn’t in my usual colour scheme.  Paulette seems to like it, though, and that’s the goal.  There will be more to share in the coming days, since our city is suffering through a transit strike.  I’m spending more time at home crafting and less time out shopping.  I usually take the bus when I want to go to Michael’s or the quilt shop, and I’m really missing that convenience.  I support the drivers’ position, though, so I shouldn’t complain.  Here’s hoping that Saturday’s mediation bears some fruit!

Kathleen Taylor’s blog has an interesting meme today:

Page 56 Rules:

*Grab the book nearest you. Right now.*

Turn to page 56.

Find the fifth sentence.*

Post that sentence in the comments, and if you like, on your blog with these instructions.
Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Here’s mine:

“Don’t even think of squandering them.”  From “Refuse to Choose!” by Barbara Sher.

She’s  talking about how a specific type of person has a “valuable eagerness to explore what’s new and an ability to be fascinated where too many people see nothing at all.  Those are gifts.”  It’s an exhortation to  commit to everything that interests you.

What’s in the book that’s closest to you right now?