As soon as I touched the Juniper yarn, it was hopeless. So soft! Must cast on! So I did. I absolutely love this pattern. Just knits and purls. I’ve been doing a lot of lace socks lately, and I have such a talent for “losing” yarn overs, it gets a little frustrating when I have to fix mistakes over and over. I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this, but these socks are zooming right along.

The book that is barely visible under the sock? Laurie Perry’s “Home is Where the Wine Is”. It arrived from Amazon the other day, and it is making me laugh out loud. If you read her blog, Crazy Aunt Purl, you know that she is a knitter. There is some seriously funny knit-related commentary in this book, and even some patterns.

I haven’t completely neglected the Veronik socks. I have wound the other skein, and will probably cast on sock number 2 later today. I think that the severity of Second Sock Syndrome may be inversely proportional to the cost of the yarn one is using. That’s my story, anyway.