










My husband has started a blog, The Amateur Silversmith, to chronicle our (well, mostly his) jewelry art.  Check it out to see his creative work.  We like having a hobby we can share, but I have to admit that he is the artistic jeweler.  I mostly just like making jump rings 🙂

Denis and I are taking a jewelry class together.  I am easily amused, so have been making endless numbers of jump rings and making various chains.  Denis is quite the experienced metal worker, so his project is more complicated.  Lucky me, since he doesn’t wear a lot of bling himself, this will be MINE:


It’s made from sterling silver.  The long links are square wire that Denis cut into lengths and twisted.  The pendant frame was soldered together from the same square wire.


I love it.  The notes on the photos are his, by the way.  No way would I be complaining about weld quality when I’m getting free jewelry 🙂  Thanks, Denis!